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Insight for February 2025       

Hello there!

Welcome to the month of love! As you know, February is often associated with love and romance, thanks to Valentine's Day on the 14th. It's a day for expressing affection and celebrating relationships.

In many cultures, February is a time for purification and renewal. The Roman festival of Februalia, from which the month gets its name, was a month-long festival of purification and atonement. The Lunar New Year, also known as Chinese New Year, marks the beginning of the lunar calendar and is celebrated by millions across Asia. Festivities span 15 days, featuring family reunions, traditional foods, and cultural performances. It culminates in the Lantern Festival, symbolising unity and new beginnings.

Have fun honouring the special people in your life this month, but don’t forget to do something special for yourself too!

As you know, I love to share information / articles that I come across that have helped me on my spiritual journey as I feel it’s best to come from having had the experience than just tossing any old information your way.

This month is no exception.

The Let Them Theory by Mel Robbins

You may have heard of the book called The Let Them Theory by Mel Robbins published last year. I picked up a few short clips via Facebook and Instagram over the past few months that Mel shared, and found them to be profoundly relevant.

We can try and avoid dealing with annoying situations, frustration at not having our expectations met, and dealing with difficult people who know how to push our buttons, but are we able to avoid all these circumstances continuously, or is there a way in which we can face them, without behaving erratically and being judgmental, just like the peeps we’re trying to avoid? We may already be eating ourselves up with guilt in certain circumstances which could be compounded by gossip from people who don’t have all the information and make their own assumptions. Basically, all the stress and worry in the world isn’t going to change things we can’t control!

Mel Robbins hits the nail on the head with The Let Them Theory. I’ll give you a few excerpts from her book so you get where I’m coming from. Just to be clear, I’m not receiving any royalties from punting this book, but feel the urge to share with you the straightforward way we can deal with some of the situations in our own lives that drive us insane! 😊

Mel writes: 

If you’re struggling to change your life, achieve your goals, or feel happier, I want you to hear this: The problem isn’t you. The problem is the power you unknowingly give to other people.

We all do it, often without realizing it. You make the mistake of thinking that if you say the right thing, everyone will be satisfied. If you bend over backward, maybe your partner won’t be disappointed. If you’re friendly enough, maybe your co-workers will like you more. If you keep the peace, maybe your family will stop judging your choices

I know this because I’ve lived it. I spent years trying to be everything for everyone else, thinking that if I could just do enough, say the right things, and keep everyone happy, I’d finally feel good about myself.

But what happens instead? You work harder, bend further, and shrink yourself smaller, and still, someone is disappointed. Still, someone criticizes. Still, you’re left feeling like no matter how hard you try, it’s never enough.

It doesn’t have to be this way. This book is here to help you take your power back. To stop wasting your time, energy, and happiness trying to control things you can’t control—like other people’s opinions, moods, or actions—and, instead, focus on the one thing you can control: you.

And here’s the remarkable thing: When you stop managing everyone else, you’ll realize you have a lot more power than you thought—you’ve just unknowingly been giving it away.

Let me introduce you to the simplest, most life-changing idea I’ve ever discovered: the Let Them Theory.

The Let Them Theory is about freedom. Two simple words—Let Them— will free you from the burden of trying to manage other people. When you stop obsessing over what other people think, say, or do, you finally have the energy to focus on your own life. You stop reacting and start living.

Instead of driving yourself crazy trying to manage or please other people, you’ll learn to Let Them.

So, what does this look like? Imagine you’re at work, and your colleague is in a bad mood. Instead of letting their negativity affect you, just say Let Them. Let them be grumpy. It’s not your problem. Focus on your work and how you feel.

Or maybe your dad makes another comment about your life choices, and it hits you like a brick. Instead of letting it ruin your day, just say Let Him. Let him have his opinions. They don’t change who you are or what you’ve accomplished or your right to make decisions that make you happy.

The truth is, other people hold no real power over you unless you give it to them.

Here’s why this works: When you stop trying to control things that aren’t yours to control, you stop wasting your energy. You reclaim your time, your peace of mind, and your focus. You realize that your happiness is tied to your actions, not someone else’s behavior, opinions, or mood.

The Let Them Theory will teach you that the more you let other people live their lives, the better your life gets. And, the more you let people be who they are, or feel what they feel, or think what they think, the better your relationships will be.

Let Them . . . What an Amazing Idea

Within a week, I could not believe how different I felt. I started saying Let Them anytime I felt stressed, tense, or frustrated. . . and funny, I realized it was almost always regarding other people.

Let them be sold out of bagels at the bakery.
Let Oakley be mad that I’m not letting him stay out late tonight.
Let Grandma read the news out loud: “Did you hear about this. . .?”
Let them do construction during the Monday-morning commute.
Let them leave dishes in the sink.
Let the neighbor’s dog bark all day.
Let my family be late to absolutely everything we go to.
Let my relatives be judgmental of my career.
Let people hate the photo I just posted online.
Let my mother-in-law disagree with my parenting.

Two simple words: Let Them, changed everything. It was as if I didn’t care and was weirdly above it all. The things that used to bother me just. . . didn’t. The people who used to annoy me. . . just didn’t. The tight grip that I had on life started to loosen up. Situations at work that would stress me out or cause me to go home and complain to my family just rolled off my back.

Brain space that was once overflowing with dumb worries, annoyances, and drama was now available for more important things.

The more I said Let Them the more I realized that a lot of what I worried about wasn’t worth my time, nor did it deserve my attention. And not everyone was worth my energy. It was liberating.

The more I said Let Them, the more time I had for myself. Time to think. Time to breathe. Time to have fun. Time to spend on what mattered to me.

Time to take care of myself.

I posted a 60-second video explaining the Let Them Theory on social media. Here is what I said:

If your friends are not inviting you out to brunch this weekend, Let Them. If the person that you’re really attracted to is not interested in a commitment, Let Them. If your kids do not want to get up and go to that thing with you this week, Let Them. So much time and energy is wasted on forcing other people to match our expectations. And the truth is, if somebody else—a person you’re dating, a business partner, a family member—if they’re not showing up how you need them to show up, do not try to force them to change. Let Them be themselves because they are revealing who they are to you. Just Let Them and then you get to choose what you do next.

How This Works in Real Life

Think about how this applies to different areas of your life. Let’s say you’re in a meeting at work and you’ve come up with an idea you’re excited about. You’ve put thought into it, you know it has potential—but when you pitch it, the room goes quiet. People nod politely, but they move on, and before you know it, someone else’s idea is getting all the attention. You feel invisible. You start second-guessing yourself, wondering if maybe you should’ve said it differently or tried harder to be heard.
In that moment, you can either let this dismissal crush you, or you can pause and say Let Them. Let them dismiss it. Let them go with a different idea. Their response doesn’t change the value of your idea. It doesn’t change your worth as a contributor. They might have gone with a different strategy, but that doesn’t mean yours wasn’t a great idea. You’re still the same person with the same talents and ability to succeed, and the fact that you had an idea to pitch proves it!

The same goes for dating. Maybe you've been texting someone and things felt like they were going somewhere. But then, out of nowhere, they ghost you. No response, no explanation. It stings, doesn’t it? You wonder what you did wrong, replaying every conversation, trying to figure out where it went off the rails. The temptation to text them again, to find some way to get closure, is almost overwhelming. Been there.

But here’s where Let Them comes in. Let Them show you who they are. Their disrespect doesn’t say anything about you. How you respond does. Stop asking why they are doing this. The question is, why do you want to be with someone who does this to you? You don’t. Don’t waste your energy chasing someone who’s already left. Focus on what you can control:

Processing your emotions and reminding yourself that you deserve someone who treats you with respect.

In both of these situations—whether it’s work, dating, or anything else— when you say Let Them, you are recognizing what’s in your control and what isn’t. Instead of spiraling, you’re choosing to steady yourself and detach. As I said earlier, other people hold no real power over you, unless you give them that power. And every time you say Let Them, you choose to take it back.

Let Them is just the first half of the equation. You cannot stop there. There is a second, critical part to the theory—Let Me.

The source of your power is not in managing other people; it’s in your response. When you say Let Me, you’re tapping into that power by taking responsibility for what you do, think, or say next. Let Me makes you realize that you are in control of what happens next and that life is more fun and fulfilling when you’re not sitting alone in your superiority.

Let Me Is the Power Move

That’s why the theory only works if you say both parts. When you say Let Them, you make a conscious decision not to allow other people’s behavior to bother you. When you say Let Me, you take responsibility for what YOU do next.

What I love about Let Me is that it immediately shows you what you can control. And there’s so much you can control: Your attitude. . . your behavior. . . your values, your needs, your desires, and what YOU want to do in response to what just happened.
It’s the opposite of judgment. Let Me is all about self-awareness, compassion, empowerment, and personal responsibility.

Your friends who went away without inviting you aren’t better than you. And you aren’t better than them.

This is the crux of the Let Them Theory: Let Them and Let Me.

The more you allow people to live their lives, the better your life will get.
The more control you give up, the more you gain.

The Let Them Theory is not about superiority at all. It’s about balance.

It’s about making room for both you and someone else. It’s about giving other people the space and the grace to live their lives—and then giving yourself the same.

People will have negative opinions about you and there is absolutely nothing you can do to change this fact. When you allow your fear of what other people think to stop you from doing what you want to do, you become a prisoner to other people's opinions.

This fear impacts every aspect of your life. It makes you procrastinate. It makes you doubt yourself. It paralyzes you with perfectionism. It’s the reason you overthink.
This is where that ends. It’s time to give people the freedom to think what they want. Let Them. It’s time to set yourself free and Let Me make the small moves boldly and unapologetically that over time will transform your entire life.

The Let Them Theory was a gigantic wake-up call for me. I knew that I was worried about other people’s opinions, but I had no idea how big of a problem it was until I started saying Let Them. Let Them judge. Let Them disapprove. Let Them have their opinions. Let Them think bad thoughts. Let Them talk about me behind my back.

Right now, you move through life with other people’s opinions as your road map. You take the left or right turn based on what you anticipate other people might think or say, rather than making the turn you want to make. When you navigate your life trying to predict what people are going to think and say about you, you give your power away.

Instead of overthinking every move you make, what if you just Let Them think whatever the heck they want to think? It’s life-changing to free yourself of this burden. Remember the fundamental law of human nature:

You can’t control what another adult says, does, or thinks. Try to and you’ll regret it. The more you Let Them think what they want, the better your life gets.

What if you gave yourself permission to live your life, and you gave other people permission to think whatever they want about it? What if you pour your time and energy into your hobbies, your habits, your happiness?

What change would you make if you weren’t worried about being judged?
What is something that you are afraid to admit that you want?
What belief are you nervous to be more vocal about?
What have you been too scared to try because you have never done it before?
What challenge or race or adventure have you been secretly yearning to do?
What do you wish would happen at work but you are too afraid to ask?
What conversation have you been avoiding?
What picture have you been waiting to post?
That last one really hits home for me.

You Have Zero Control over Someone Else’s Opinion of You

The fact is, it is impossible to control someone else’s thoughts. Therefore, fearing what other people think, or trying to control their thoughts, is a complete waste of your time.

You will never feel in control of your life, your feelings, your thoughts, or your actions until you stop being consumed with or trying to control what other people think about you.

I will say it again: Adults will have negative opinions about you—no matter what you do. Why? Because adults are allowed to think whatever they want.

It is physically and neurologically impossible for you to control what someone else thinks. The average human being has about 70,000 thoughts a day. Most of which are random and cannot be controlled. Which is why it’s ludicrous to waste any of your energy worrying about what other people think or trying to change what they think.

You can’t even control half the thoughts that pop into your own mind. Why the heck do you think you can control what pops up in someone else’s? You can’t. It is scientifically impossible. That’s why the Let Them Theory is so revolutionary.

Instead of fearing other people’s opinions, you are just going to allow them to think what they want. In fact, I recommend that you assume people will think negative thoughts about you. Because people do have negative thoughts about you.

My point is simple: Adults will have negative opinions about you and everything you do. Let Them judge. Let Them react. Let Them doubt you. Let Them question the decisions you are making. Let Them be wrong about you. Let Them roll their eyes when you start posting videos online or you want to rewrite the manuscript for the 12th time.

Instead of wasting your time worrying about them, start living your life in a way that makes you proud of yourself. Let Me do what I want to do with my one wild and precious life.

Here’s another truth: You are so much stronger than anyone’s opinions about you. Stop giving your power to other people and step into your potential.

Let Me live my life in a way that makes me proud. Let Me make decisions that align with my values. Let Me take risks because I want to. Let Me follow the path my soul is turning me toward.

Doing what makes you happy, being brave, taking risks, and following your own path will always be more important than other people’s opinions about it. This is YOUR life. Stop letting other people’s opinions ruin it.

Write the book. Ask them out. Wear what you want to wear. Go surf all day. Go back to school. Drop out of school. Move. Get a dog. Book the trip. Stop drinking. Embrace your sexuality. Take the path that you’ve been scared to follow.

The more you use the Let Them Theory, the more you’ll realize that, underneath this fear, your soul has been nudging you all along in the direction that is meant for you.
Every time you say Let Them, you clear all of the noise and distraction on the surface and create space for something deeper: your voice, your intuition, your truth, and your unique path in life.

It’s always been there. It’s just been buried beneath all this fear.

As you use the Let Them Theory to free yourself of the burden of other people’s opinions, you’ll begin moving through life with your values, your needs, and your goals as your road map. Instead of anticipating what other people might think, you’ll navigate your life in a way that makes you proud of yourself.

Some of Mel’s short videos include:

Stop wasting energy on things you can’t control

If you get ghosted, you don’t need closure

Let them be disappointed

Let them have negative opinions

Stop visiting your parents out of guilt


 The Boutique Market at 4 Francis Road in Blairgowrie will be held on Sunday, 16 Feb, from 10am to 4pm. I’ll be in attendance doing tarot readings, followed by a complimentary angel reading.

An established homeopathic practice in East London is looking for an acupuncturist to join their team. If you know of anyone who is qualified and seeking an opportunity, please will you contact me personally so I can pass on further information to you and put you in touch with the relevant party?

And here’s wishing you the most wonderful month ahead! May it be full of loving thoughts, challenges that are overcome and productive days!

Much love and blessings


Readings for February 2025:

Angel Oracle Card Reading 
using the Romance Angels Oracle Cards 

 Love yourself first:
Your self-respect makes you more romantically attractive

You’re encouraged to realise the importance of loving yourself first—especially as you prepare for your next relationship or heal the one you’re in.

If you desire more romance, first look at yourself (in a caring and non-critical way, of course). The more you love who you are, the greater your capacity to feel loved by others. This means trusting yourself to take good care of YOU, and it may entail becoming more assertive. Don’t worry: you can still be very lovable while affirming your boundaries.

Perhaps this means spending some time alone, instead of in a relationship. During this period, you can delve into introspection to understand the patterns of your love life. Ultimately, you can take responsibility for attracting, and agreeing to, every relationship you’ve had. To heal your heart, find the blessing and lessons you’ve gained from each one. For instance, have you become stronger, more independent, or more patient as a result of your prior partnerships? If so, let everything else from the past go except for the lessons and the love.

Let Go of Control Issues
Allow the situation to unfold naturally

The Romance Angels have heard your prayers about your love life. Now, it’s up to you to allow their help to manifest by stepping out of their way. By trying to control other people or external circumstances, you’ll only frustrate yourself and slow down your answered prayer. There are plenty of times in life that call for you to take charge, but this isn’t one of them.

While this advice applies to anyone who is seeking romance, it also applies to everyone else with regard to other aspects of their lives.

For those seeking romance: stop trying to control how your new relationship will happen or how you will meet your true love. If you try to control and manipulate your day-to-day life in the hope of meeting that person and you are trying too hard to make it happen, you are basically forcing something to happen and it won’t end well. It shows a lack of faith and trust. This is also a reminder that your prayer may be answered differently from what you had in mind. Be open to all possibilities and trust in God’s infinite wisdom and compassionate love.

For those of you who aren’t seeking romantic advice, this also applies to you. Stop trying to control everything. You don’t have to be so uptight. Are you really enjoying life if you are on edge all the time? Are you happy trying to control everyone and everything? How is that working out for you? It’s probably not working out for anyone. Just relax and let go. Let people be themselves – they might pleasantly surprise you. Let situations unfold naturally, even if it can lead to disappointment or an unfavourable outcome. Life can me a little messy sometimes and that’s okay

To recapture romance, allow your inner thoughtful spirit of fun to shine!

The angels ask you: when was the last time you had fun? If you don’t remember, then it’s long overdue for you to add some playtime into your schedule.  The angels say that fun is a necessity, not a luxury. The activity can be free of charge and can be anything that interests you.  Playfulness is a good investment of your time, as it will renew your energy levels and elevate your mood.

Playtime is essential in relationships, too, to keep the free-spirited component of dating alive.  Plan regular “date nights” with your partner; and take turns creatively planning fun activities such as miniature golf, karaoke, walking through a flower garden, or flying kites together.


 Tarot Reading
using the Rider Waite deck

The Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune tarot card is a good omen, representing good fortune and a sense of happiness. In a general tarot reading, the upright Wheel can indicate that you are at a turning point where everything seems to be going well. You may have been waiting for this moment for some time and now it has arrived!

As you continue along this path, you may also be experiencing changes within yourself or your environment; these changes could affect your professional and personal life. They could also lead to new opportunities that seem too good to be true but still feel right for you. This card indicates that things are coming together when they should (and not when they shouldn't).

With regard to love and relationships, the Wheel of Fortune does not promise everlasting happiness or perfect relationships and instead asks us to pay attention to what life throws our way. You're being asked to know that a new cycle is on the horizon! This card encourages you to notice the progress you've made internally (and potentially within others) before making rash decisions based on past experiences. Now is the time to stay in the center of your Wheel. Stay aligned with what you want for your love life, and everything will fall into place.

If you're currently single and are looking for a time frame for when someone comes along who will sweep you off your feet, the answer is now! It’s all about new beginnings.

With regard to career, the Wheel of Fortune can mean you will get a new job offer or opportunity soon. You may also be offered a promotion or a pay increase. You’re encouraged to determine what you need to do now to keep your professional life on track. Inspiration and motivation are at your fingertips - be open to receiving them.

Alternatively, if you've had bad luck recently, know that when the Wheel turns, it is impossible to change it. It is your sign to go with the flow! The Wheel of Fortune in with regard to your career can mean that you will have an invaluable turn of events that could change everything for the better. The Universe invites you to use your intuition to turn things around. Use this opportunity to better your outcome.

 Astrology Forecast
February - Trust Life's Plan

We move into February 2025 immersed in peak Piscean energy as Venus and Neptune, together with the North Node, are conjunct in the late degrees of the sign. This powerful conjunction amplifies our sensitivity, creativity, and longing for transcendence while reminding us to trust Life’s plan and have faith in its unfolding.
As Venus moves into Aries and Jupiter stations direct in Gemini on February 4, we experience a wave of dynamic energy that encourages bold self-expression, self-discovery, and forward movement.  The Leo Full Moon square Uranus on February 12 intensifies our need for authenticity and freedom, highlighting tensions between our need to express our individuality on our own terms and our desire for acceptance and belonging.

During the second half of the month, both Mercury and the Sun enter Pisces, bringing more introspective energy while inspiring us to deepen our relationship to our intuition and explore non-linear channels of expression. Later, Mars stations direct in Cancer, supporting our ability to take action on our desires from a place of emotional clarity. The month ends with a New Moon in Pisces that encourages a renewal of our relationship with spirituality and reminds us to have faith in Divine Timing.

Here are the main upcoming transits for February 2025.

Venus enters Aries & Jupiter stations Direct in Gemini
February 4, 2025

February begins with Venus’ ingress into Aries, an event bringing renewal and fresh energy into our romantic and financial lives. In Aries, Venus inspires us to value freedom, spontaneity, and adventure, which can translate to a need for more space and independence. Venus in Aries reminds us of the importance of investing in our personal self-actualization and following our desires. This transit motivates us to find out who we are as individuals before we define ourselves according to our relationships and our role in them.

Just a few hours later, Jupiter stations direct at 11º of Gemini after being retrograde since October 9, 2024. Jupiter’s shift of motion invites us to take action and make changes that reflect how our beliefs, ideals, and ways of thinking transformed during the retrograde. During his remaining time in Gemini, Jupiter will encourage us to open our minds, broaden our intellectual horizons, and keep questioning what we think we know.

Full Moon in Leo
February 12, 2025

As Aquarius season unfolds, the Full Moon in the opposite sign of Leo brings our attention to how we link our personal and creative development with the awareness that we are an integral part of a greater whole. This event underlines the value of individual self-actualization as a catalyst for collective progress, while bringing our attention to the friction we may experience between our personal needs and the expectations of the groups we are part of. The Leo Full Moon squares Uranus in Taurus and opposes Mercury in Aquarius. This configuration marks an increase in our desire for change, freedom, and authentic living and is likely to inspire many of us to make decisions that allow us to break free from stagnation and explore life on our own terms.

Mercury enters Pisces
February 14, 2025

Mercury’s ingress into Pisces is a powerful time to deepen our connection to our intuition, practice expressing our ideas and feelings through non-linear channels, and learn to trust our gut when making decisions. In Pisces, the planet of logic is challenged to express itself in non-rational and non-logical ways: for this reason, it can be hard to meet habitual expectations of functionality and organization. This transit challenges us to differentiate between being misled by fantasy and being led by intuition and invites us to strengthen our ability to trust our inner guidance, even when it doesn’t make sense logically.

Sun enters Pisces
February 18, 2025

The Sun’s ingress into Pisces guides us into a time of transition and infinite possibilities, a space where potential feels limitless. Every year, Pisces season reminds us that time doesn’t move in a straight line, that everything has symbolic meaning, and that everything is interconnected. This season encourages us to learn to go with the flow of life and actively engage with it, trusting that it will lead us where we need to be. Pisces season is a time to surrender our attachment to existing identities and put our creativity in service of something greater than ourselves. It is also a reminder to be mindful of the impact our thoughts, actions, and feelings have on the world around us and the collective field.

Mars stations Direct in Cancer
February 23, 2025

Mars stations direct at 17º of Cancer after being retrograde since December 6. This shift is an invitation for us to act according to how we and our desires changed during the past weeks and months. After deepening our awareness of what moves us, what motivates us, and what we are moving toward, it is time to take action. Mars stationing direct promotes an externalization of our focus and energy: this transit invites us to follow the path that calls us. During Mars’ remaining time in Cancer, we will have opportunities to deepen our understanding of what happened during the retrograde while challenging us to discover new ways of responding to triggers, expressing our emotions, and relating to anger and frustration.

New Moon in Pisces
February 27, 2025

As the calendar month comes to an end, the Sun and the Moon meet in Pisces, beginning a lunar cycle centered around renewing our relationship to the mystery. This event inspires us to attune to our intuition and strengthen our capacity to flow with life. The Pisces New Moon squares Jupiter in Gemini and trines Mars in Cancer. The square to Jupiter highlights our desire to make sense of and understand what is happening: the invitation for us is to trust Divine Timing and Life’s plan even if logically things don’t seem to make sense. The trine to Mars facilitates a shift in our relationship to our emotions and emotional expression and infuses the upcoming lunar month with more dynamism and drive.


Important Moon Dates :
Based on South African time zone




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