Tarot card readings

With an email reading, please send through clear questions, including your date of birth and the names and dates of birth of those people close to you, e.g. partner, children, siblings, etc.   

Angel oracle card readings are complimentary with a tarot reading.

 Consulting hours for readings and healings:   

Mon - Fri: appointments from 6.30pm
Sat: appointments from 8am to 1pm

Advertised fayres / events 

Tarot Card reading options: 

Full reading (South Africa)

R600 (one hour)

Short reading (South Africa)

R400 (30 min)

One question reading
(South Africa)


Full reading (International Clients)

US$80 (one hour)

Short reading (International)

US$40 (30 min)

One question reading
(International Clients)




Krazee Tea Party 

Invite some friends around for tea ...

You, as the hostess, receive a free reading.

All the guests receive a 15 minute reading for R200 each.

Fun for bachelorette parties / kitchen teas or "simply because"! 


The tarot cards have over the centuries both attracted those seeking spiritual or prophetic insight, and at the same time they have repelled those who fear what they call the "occult".  Yet the images of the tarot cards are neither inaccessible nor occult, however much any particular spiritual or esoteric school might seek to mystify them.  They describe essential human situations and patterns which all of us experience in life at one time or another.  

There is nothing more mysterious in life than the human being, and like all the symbolic images which men and women have created over the millennia, the tarot cards are fundamentally a description of the human journey from birth to death.

Understood in its broader context, the tarot is, put simply, a series of pictorial portrayals of the archetypal human life-journey. 

With the tarot cards, the images that are portrayed are what is happening in your life at the present moment, and what will most likely transpire within the next few months.  Working with your angels and your energy the cards reveal what is uppermost in your mind.  They present a storyline for me to work with.  Everyone is different and has a different story to tell. All messages are channeled for the highest good of all and all readings are done with integrity.

At times during a session, a connection with someone who has departed may occur with a message for the querent, although this is not always guaranteed.

Readings present a possible outcome of your future. They may also present a present and past occurrence. They may offer a solution to a query, or give a warning. Concerns or worries may appear, as well as the blocks you are experiencing. General health issues may also be indicated, however, NO medical advice will be given.

You have free will and any choice that you make is your responsibility. I do not manipulate any readings and neither will your guides and angels. 

Please note that timing is also difficult to determine as divine timing plays a part. For example, if you desire a new job and the cards indicate there is one in the future, but you do nothing to apply for a job or change your circumstances, nothing will transpire. If there's an indication that you are going to meet someone special, but fail to leave the house, the future is also then extended.

