The difference between intuition and fear

Recently I’ve been interacting with people who have sudden bouts of anxiety, even on a perfectly normal day. They can’t seem to shake the fear that something negative is going to happen to them. Others seem to be experiencing strong intuition about situations, even myself. It got me thinking about how to determine whether you’re experiencing fear or intuition. On occasion they feel disguised as almost the same thing. How do we tell t he difference?

I’m going to share a couple of scenarios here which will help differentiate the two.

1. Intuition:

New neighbours move in next door. They’re pleasant enough and friendly. Although you don’t know them personally yet, something feels off about them. You feel the urge to avoid them and don’t want to interact at all. Then as the weeks go on, something happens in the neighbourhood and you’re basically thrown together where you’re chatting and interacting. Your initial intuition about them seems to have dimmed somewhat and you think nothing more of it. Perhaps you were far too suspicious at the time? Months go by and your original feelings are confirmed as several things have now happened.

2. Fear:

Friends are in conversation and sharing about who they know have lost their jobs recently due to the bad economy. The conversation takes a turn where they’re talking about what they would do and who they can turn to should the same happen to them. They have strong family ties and are supported, whereas as you are single without any financial support except your employer. Until a few minutes ago you felt secure, and now you find yourself struggling through a sudden bout of anxiety as you imagine a future without a job. Just thinking along these lines is making you ill. All sorts of mental scenarios take place. Your body reacts and you land up with a headache, a stomach ache and a stiff neck!


The first scenario is very clearly one of intuition. Your intuition is telling you clearly that something is off and that you are to be careful around these people. Your soul or your guardian angel is speaking to you, advising you to be aware. It’s a still small voice that you can’t shake off. It rises up when it needs to. Sometimes days before a situation, or sometimes in the moment. It’s a guide that attempts to lead you on to a better track. It doesn’t work with ego, but rather from a place of knowing. It may take weeks or months before your feelings are confirmed, but they will definitely be confirmed. And when you think back, you’ll realise how many times that intuition rose up.

The second scenario is one of fear. Fear is loaded with emotion. You feel anxious, maybe even tearful, your heart races, you break out in a sweat. A fear can stem from a past memory which can create massive fear within you. Going through something fearful you’ve experienced before puts you into flight mode. You’d rather run from this than go through it again. But … it hasn’t happened yet! You’re basing your fear on a future scenario, and bringing that fear into the present moment. Your fear is your ego speaking!

The best way to address this fear is to get to the root of the problem and address it. By doing so, you’ll stymie the returning fear or else it will return time after time.

Psychology Today defines intuition is being “the process that gives us the ability to know something directly without analytic reasoning, bridging the gap between the conscious and unconscious parts of our mind, and also between instinct and reason.”

You may feel that the scenarios above are pretty much cut and dried. So, let’s take a look at the emotions coming through via real fear and false intuition.

What happens if you meet your new neighbour and you immediately feel afraid?

They give you the absolute heeby-jeebies and you feel the hair on your neck stand up.

You may be feeling the other person’s projection of bad intentions and your body has a way of showing you what it’s picking up. Once you’re out of their company, do you feel the same? Do these feelings leave? When this person returns, does this fear also return?

In this instance, don’t discount your intuition. There is a very real fear and its good to be cognisant of it.

However, if on the other hand you feel this way around many people, become aware that you may have trust issues and will need to work on them.

Now let’s take a look at false intuition. In the second scenario you may be picking up a sense of insecurity around your current job, where actually nothing untoward is going on, but now because of conversations around you, negative news articles, and broadcasts about how bad the economy is and future bad projections, your false intuition kicks in to test you. You think you see signs everywhere. Everything looks like you’re heading for failure. Your “false intuition” is telling you to expect difficulties based on past experiences and surrounding negativity. So … you start looking for alternative employment “in case something bad happens”.

If you stay focused in the present moment instead, over a period of time your false intuition fades and you find yourself feeling secure once more and enjoying your job!
Intuition feels comfortable and seldom speaks up for minor decisions in life. Fear, however, can throw a fit whenever we’re required to try something new or make changes. Intuition emerges for larger decisions in life, when reason does not seem to provide conclusive answers. Fear simply says, “No” to all that may potentially harm us, however, remote and far-fetched the possibility.

If you find yourself at a crossroad and don’t know which way to turn, you feel stuck, or fear holds you back, remember to ask your guardian angel for help. You won’t make a wrong decision as what’s meant for you will come your way. Also, by staying in the present moment, you can allay fears of what may happen. Trust that the messages you receive are divinely guided and will always be confirmed. The more you trust your intuition, the more it grows!

A pointer here, the above does not include the scenario where you need to make an instant decision to flee from a dangerous situation. Your instincts click in, and you’ll know instantly that you need to leave or avoid! 
